No Way

This family like many others were affected by hurricane Matthew in 2017. The Haitian government only helps people who live in the village. But what they don't realize is that there are people who live in the deep woods. In Jeremie there is a large river, (La Rivyè Grandans) that divides the village from the woods.  When the river rises there is no way for the people to cross over to the other side because it is too high and the current is faster. This women and her six children lived in a one bedroom house before Matthew hit. But things started to become harder for them after Matthew hit. It was a real challenge for this family because the mother was pregnant with her seventh child. There was no food anywhere and  you couldn't find food because everyone had the same problem; no food and no where to live. What enlightened the eyes Aphcass Ministry is that we have a church in Didon but we have heard nothing from them. The day we got a phone call we were saddened with the news. The Didon that was rich in trees and especially coconut trees had been destroyed and all the houses as well. Many people lost their families and was eating what they could find.  So the president decided to go down to Didon to see how bad the situation was. And this is where we meet the McDonald family. The photo below is where they were staying. As you can see, they used everything they found to scrap up something to put together so they can live.

I don't know about you, but this tugged Eddy's heart. So Eddy sent the rest of the team this situation and we all decided that we needed to something. We all decided that the right thing to do is to build the first ever house since Matthew. The women was about 5 or 6 months pregnant and the child that is coming into the world needed to be a clean place to live. By many quick donations we were able to build a 2 bedroom house just in time to receive the baby. Your donation helps us change the lives of people who are in need.  Please help today Haiti is in a crisis.